Beer of the Week: Family Trees

Hop obsession and experimentation at the heart of Mcilhenney Brewing make for an enjoyably expanded take on a classic IPA

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Writing about beer and residing at ground zero for IPA innovation, I have met a great many hopheads in my day. From individuals obsessed with verdant bitterness in the late nineties and early aughts to those enamored with fruity flavors and aromas of today’s stripped-back IPAs, they are both plentiful and the lifeblood of the local craft-beer economy. Of all those fanatics, perhaps none are as ultra-focused on the almighty hop (particularly those of New Zealand heritage) as Patrick and Shawn Mcilhenney. The duo that founded East County’s Alpine Beer Co., followed by its eponymous second-coming, Mcilhenney Brewing, this father-and-son tandem have produced all manner of beer styles, but overtly champion – and have spent more than two decades incessantly examining and experimenting with – West Coast IPAs and the vast, ever-expanding family of compound-rich, bine-ripened botanicals at their core. As a result, they know their stuff and are regarded, locally and around the world, as expert IPA craftsmen of the highest order. Since taking full rein of production, Shawn has continued his hop research, particularly where it comes to the wealth of new varietals and emerging hop products, including cryogenically frozen hops, liquid dry-hop solutions and various hop extracts. There’s so much to know and so much more to learn, and he is resolute in his aim to stay on the cutting edge and continue educating himself in his lifelong field of study. Years of lessons learned clearly went into this week’s featured beer, Family Trees. A West Coast IPA designed as something of a throwback to the dank days of pine and resin, it’s based on a hop bill made up of today’s hits – New Zealand Cascade, Nectaron, Citra, DynaBoost Citra hop extract and the Lupomax brand of concentrated pellets fashioned from HBC 586 (a varietal recently given the official product name “Krush”) – accented by classic Fir-like Pacific Northwest varietal Chinook. The result is a West Coast IPA honoring the style’s roots, while introducing a more layered olfactory palate featuring mixed citrus and stone-fruit brought about by modern hops. It’s a standout beer that couldn’t have been done nearly as well were it not for the years of zealous hop study, brewing trials and continuing education that preceded its creation.

Family Trees is a traditional West Coast IPA that blends together the family’s favorite ‘classic’ hops with our favorite new ones, on top of a lean malt bill of 2 Row and Pilsner. The lemony, citrus and pine notes bring you back in time to when IPAs made a mark on your heart. The crisp, dry finish make this an incredibly drinkable beer, and at a modest 6.5% ABV (alcohol-by-volume), more than one can be enjoyed!”

Shawn Mcilhenney, Co-owner / Head Brewer, Mcilhenney Brewing
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