Beer of the Week: Belgian Dark Strong Ale

North Park's El Cid Brewing crafts a beer for and by those being honored as part of the 20th annual Chief Petty Officers Pride Day

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As a kid, my first real run-in with stress ‒ like real, hardcore stress ‒ came watching my stepfather vying for a promotion to the rank of Chief Petty Officer (CPO). Being youthfully naive, I figured military personnel received promotions every few years as a matter of course; if you stuck around long enough, you eventually became an admiral, general or high-ranking non-commissioned officer. Not so. Not even close. Earning a CPO promotion took a great deal of work and determination on my stepfather’s part. I remember how torn up he was waiting to hear if he had made the grade, that intense stress and self-doubt despite all he had put in to achieve his goal. We were all ecstatic when he was given the good news that he had made it, and I figured, great, now he can relax. But a great deal of responsibility comes with the rank he so coveted. Ditto that of Senior Chief, which he was promoted to several years later. During my teenage years (during which I was enrolled in my high school’s JROTC program, sure I was going to join the military), I met many CPOs, and each was impressive. They respected each other, our country and their role in protecting it. The most recent CPO I’ve had the pleasure of meeting is Eric Bridges, a retired Senior Chief and the co-owner of North Park’s El Cid Brewing. His business celebrates the khaki-clad U.S. Navy fellowship Bridges is part of, including observance of Chief Petty Officer Pride Day, the 20th edition of which is today. Appropriately, El Cid is releasing a commemorative beer hefty enough to match the weight that comes with those brass-anchor insignias, a Belgian Dark Strong Ale. Pouring a chestnut hue, this 9.3% alcohol-by-volume beer stays true to its Old World roots, emitting a bouquet evocative of dried cherry, apple, dates and allspice. Similar flavors follow on the palate, accompanied by breadiness, molasses, floral notes and an interesting tangerine-like vibrancy that ups this brawny beer’s overall drinkability. Spicy and malt-forward, it will pair perfectly with the upcoming cooler months, and thanks to its high ABV, should have the necessary staying power to not only hold out until then, but perhaps even mellow into something even more luxurious. Cheers to our nation’s CPOs, both active and retired, and cheers to this beer honoring them and their service to our country.

We developed a Belgian dark strong ale to commemorate the 20th anniversary of Chief Petty Officer Pride Day. This event takes place every September when new Chief Petty Officers are promoted, and sees U.S. Navy Chiefs from all around Southern California get together to celebrate what it means to serve our nation as a Chief Petty Officer. As someone who wore that very same uniform for a number of years, I wanted to make a beer that could be given as a gift – one which would age well – for those who had just been promoted. Additionally, we are donating 18.93% of the bottle sales to the Enlisted Leadership Foundation and Chief Petty Officer Scholarship Fund as a way to give back to the Chief Community. As for the beer itself, it’s presented in a nice 750-milliliter bottle wax-sealed with a Chief insignia stamped on the cap. We used a traditional Belgian recipe with an abbey-ale yeast to develop the characteristics. When you open and pour it, you can detect a nice hint of floral esters and phenols on the nose, and as you drink it, you get a nice warming effect from the alcohol as well as a hint of plum and raisin in the finish.”

Eric Bridges, Co-owner & Head Brewer, El Cid Brewing
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