Top Potential Games to Play at a Food and Drink Tasting Night

Tasting events can be a lot of fun, but they often need more than just the food and drink. People want activities to go with their new and exciting food combos and this often leads to games. A game night is a good way to link with food and drink and give people a night to remember, and some people will get stuck in with the games while others would rather sit and take in the entertainment.

Let’s go into some of the games that can work for these kinds of events!

Card Games

The old classic; card games. There are a lot of different ways people can play and enjoy card games and a whole load of games are available if people want to.

Technology has changed everything and there is also the option for people to connect to a casino site and players engaging in real money poker, potentially using screens to access the poker game and removing the need for chips or a dealer during in-person games. At an online casino, this is all done via a live dealer or an interface.

Estimates state there are around 120 million poker players globally, so this is a game lots of people are familiar with, especially in the US, but there are a lot of other games available that players can connect to and play during a party.

Or, people can go the traditional route of providing a deck of cards and getting people to play together – card games have changed, too, and there are some games out there with specific decks of cards (rather than the standard playing cards we may know). Games like Cards Against Humanity are easy to learn and quick to play, making them ideal for a night focused on tasting and conversation. These games provide a mix of humor and strategy, keeping the mood light and fun without demanding too much attention from the main event—the food and drinks.

Giant Jenga

Not our most practical solution but if you’ve got the room this can be great fun among a group. Jenga, whether the classic version or a giant outdoor set, adds a physical and suspenseful element to the evening. Players take turns removing blocks from a tower and placing them on top, trying to avoid causing a collapse.

The game is simple yet puts players on the edge of their seats, making it an excellent choice for a tasting night and getting a lot of laughs. Giant Jenga, in particular, can add a dramatic and entertaining visual component, perfect for outdoor settings or spacious indoor areas, and people who are handy or good with crafts may be able to create their own Jenga sets for playing the game outdoors!

Quizzes and Trivia Games

Quizmasters are always popular at these kinds of events! People enjoy a quiz, especially if there is a chance to win something. Food and drink tasting nights can be ideal for testing people, for a beer night, you could theme the questions to be related to beer! At San Diego Beer News, we’d probably look to theme it around our local breweries to give people a chance to learn some facts about the drink scene, too.

People can also cover food and drink topics or historical food facts. Don’t want to have to come up with the questions? Games like QuizUp can be great options and can also be played via a device. Trivia not only adds a competitive edge but also educates and entertains guests, sparking conversations and friendly debates.


Pictionary and charades are fantastic icebreakers that can quickly get everyone laughing and engaged. These games require no special equipment—just some paper and pens for Pictionary, or a good imagination for charades.

For a tasting night, consider creating custom categories related to food and drink, so you can try to keep things relevant, and you could even have food and drink related prizes.

Pictionary for food and drink topics can be very funny, as people try to create their own visual representations of food like ratatouille and others that are tough to draw (and even tougher to act out if we’re talking charades).


Many of us absolutely adore food and drink, which is one of the ways people get together with their friends and have some fun, but this can be further enhanced with games. Somebody who has taken the task of planning a tasting may be worried about what guests are going to do between courses or beside the food and drink they are served, but plenty of games can work well for enhancing the evening.

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