Team Stone Relief Fund assists former employees

Team Stone Relief Fund assists former employees

It’s long been said that San Diego’s restaurant industry can be a bit copy-cat. If one dining establishment does something good, you can expect numerous others to follow suit. It’s a catty comment but a positive case of respect-driven imitation has taken place during the pandemic. In March, when the Cohn Restaurant Group launched (among other things) a gift-card initiative to assist some of the 1,700 employees it was forced to layoff as a consequence of COVID-19 closures, Stone Brewing took notice. CRG’s efforts inspired the county’s second-largest brewery to start the Team Stone Relief Fund to lend financial aid to employees it laid off at the onset of the pandemic.

The Team Stone Relief Fund was set up after the company let go of 300 employees from its nine hospitality locations. Local community group, the San Diego Foundation, is managing the fund. Company co-founder and Executive Chairman Greg Koch kicked things off by donating his entire 2020 salary. Other Stone executives made sizable donations, as well, but they aren’t the only ones. Employees at every level of the company also contributed what they could. Enough that the San Diego Foundation was recently able to send out $1,000 cash gift cards to nearly 250 former Stone employees.

“This pandemic has significantly impacted countless businesses across the country and ours is, unfortunately, no different,” said Stone co-founder and Interim CEO Steve Wagner. “Laying off people is, without a doubt, one of the most painful, wrenching things that can happen in a workplace. It is doubly difficult when you have such a high number of loyal, long-term team members as we do, which isn’t that common in hospitality. When our Bistros and Tap Rooms had to shut down, we exhaustively explored every other possible option, but to no avail. It is a helpless feeling to have to make a decision like this and one way to fight a feeling of helplessness is to take action.”

According to the company, a number of the individuals who received gift cards sent notes and emails expressing their gratitude, letting those who donated know their contributions were used for essential expenses such as rent, childcare, health insurance and more.

“These are unusual times that, unfortunately, took everyone by surprise,” said Stone senior production artist Aaron Roddick, who donated to the fund. “Individuals, families and businesses are all getting hit hard, so I was very moved—but not surprised—when Greg, Steve and other executives started the Team Stone Relief Fund. Donating was just a small way that I could help, too.”

“To see Team Stone answer this call and dig into their own pockets to help their colleagues was very moving,” said Wagner. “I’m honored to work with people like that and my hope is that we can do more.”

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