Shannon Lynnette
Beer Historian

The San Diego craft-beer community has known few as exuberant and outspoken as Shannon Lynnette. After four years spent cutting her teeth at AleSmith Brewing, where she rose to become the head of beer education, she staked out on her own in 2016 in search of a smaller ship to beat the drums for and new waters to traverse. Lured in by the creative ferocity of a small unknown brewery in a quiet El Cajon industrial park, she became ignited in her role as Hospitality Manager for Burning Beard Brewing, where her exemplary performance earned her partner status. She has since moved to Europe, but retains close ties with members of the #SDBeer universe and champions them from across the Atlantic.
Neighborhood: Previously the deep East County, where apple orchards shoulder skies unfettered by the glaring twinkle of a bustling world
Family: A husband and destined-to-be-well-read son
Favorite Beer Style(s): Bring me the synergy of an ESB, the graceful complexity of a dunkel bock, the conviviality of a witbier or affable angst of a hoppy red. Most of all, bring me good company and bring me a story.
Favorite Local Beer Events: The Brewery Drag Show
Craft Beer A-ha Moment: Waving tendrils of borrowed smoke out of my slowly contorting face, the slightly oxidized flavor of corn and rice sat damp and stale upon my tongue. This was by no means the beer I had become accustomed to pilfering from my father’s fridge or growlers that had been traded in for tips. As the loud bass from the ineptly dialed speaker blasted through the yard packed with collegiate neophytes, I made the judicious decision that any rockgut whiskey would be better than what warmly sloshed in this plastic red cup. An unappreciated highschool sweetheart, my first love was Craft Beer, but it took ample college experimentation to discover that it had been and always would be.