Recipes: Randonneur & Ginger

Rouleur Brewing pedals a farmhouse ale and Home Brew Mart goes "island" style

As part of our San Diego Homebrew Summer program, every Monday between now and the end of August, San Diego Beer News will publish homebrew-scaled recipes for beers professionally produced by craft breweries throughout the county. This week, Carlsbad-based Rouleur Brewing is contributing a recipe rooted in owner and Brewmaster Rawley Macias‘ love of Belgian-style ales. It goes by the name Randonneur (a term for a long-distance bicyclist) and appears sporadically on Rouleur’s tap list, but thanks to Macias’ generosity, it can be available anytime you’d like to make it. Meanwhile, Home Brew Mart is giving up the goods on an IPA brewed with ginger, an ingredient that spot and its parent company, Ballast Point Brewing, have had tremendous success with over the years. Scroll down for the stories behind these beers as well as recipes from the source.

Randonneur Saison

Q&A with Rouleur Brewing owner and Brewmaster Rawley Macias

Why did you decide to share this particular recipe?

The saison is one of my favorite beer styles. Rouleur brews a great one that is on tap every so often. If done correctly, this beer should finish very dry (1.003).

What are some tips you have for homebrewers?

Fermentation temperature is key. Saison yeast can be tricky and it is important to allow the beer to slowly increase in temperature during the first six days of fermentation.

Please share a memory from homebrewing this recipe?

I brewed several versions of this recipe, including where I performed a secondary fermentation using Brettanomyces and oak chips. One word: Yum!

How did homebrewing lead you to want to make brewing your career?

This is a very long story, but in short, I absolutely love making beer. I love designing recipes, brewing them, sampling them, and if they are good, figuring how to reproduce them.

Ginger IPA

A summary from Home Brew Mart Assistant Manager Derek Lauridsen

Before being hired on at Ballast Point’s Home Brew Mart, George Cataulin was already winning awards for his homebrewed IPA recipes. His Ginger IPA, which became his most award-winning, uses fresh ginger and was inspired by a series of beers in Home Brew Mart’s catalog named for characters from Gilligan’s Island. Other notable examples include The Professor’s Pale Ale, Thirsty Howl Double IPA and Gilligan’s Banana Cream Pie.

San Diego Homebrew Summer is brought to you by our partners at Ballast Point Brewing, and you can find all of the ingredients to make this pair of beers at Home Brew Mart.

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