Recipes: Monsters’ Park & Double Dry Hop Hazy IPA

DIY Modern Times' mega stout and a beer that is what it is from Home Brew Mart

[drocap]A[/drocap]s part of our San Diego Homebrew Summer program, every Monday between now and the end of August, San Diego Beer News will publish homebrew-scaled recipes for beers professionally produced by craft breweries throughout the county. This week, Modern Times Beer has scared up the how-to’s for one of its most popular beers, a “mega stout” called Monsters’ Park. Used as the base for many an oak-tinged and confectionery concoction, this imperial stout is much-coveted by fans of this Point Loma-based brewery, and now it can be on tap at your home care of your own handiwork. Ditto Double Dry Hop Hazy IPA, a NEIPA that proved to be one of the fastest-selling draft offerings at Linda Vista’s Home Brew Mart. It went so fast, they didn’t even have time to name it! Scroll down to download the PDFs for these stellar creations then hit up the aforementioned homebrew supply Mecca for the ingredients you’ll need to make them at home.

Monsters’ Park Mega Stout

Q&A with Modern Times Beer Commissioner of Flavor Andrew Schwartz

Why did you decide to share this particular recipe?

Monsters’ Park is one of our most beloved and most brewed mega stouts. We’ve been brewing this beer since before our barrel program began and are still brewing it. It’s incredibly versatile, it can stand up as a non-barrel-aged beer and absolutely shines with a little oak and bourbon.

What are some tips you have for homebrewers?

The biggest thing I would say is focus on the fundamentals. Go big with the recipe, pitch a lot of healthy yeast and give this one some time to settle down after fermentation. Conditioning this beer on some nice vanilla beans, cinnamon or even lapsang souchong tea will all yield excellent results.

Please share some memories from your homebrewing days?

When I was homebrewing, the most important thing was having fun and trying to brew things I could never find in the store. I would sour my wort overnight and brew saisons with it. One time, I brewed a beautiful saison with fresh cherries from a friend’s yard in Oregon. I threw everything in a keg and we tapped it at a friend’s wedding. The beer was stunningly red, delicious, funky and totally overcarbed! But it was so fun to share something that was homemade and delicious.

How did homebrewing lead you to want to make brewing your career?

Homebrewing was all about experimentation for me. Digging into all the possibilities of blending, aging and mixed-fermentation was really what got me into homebrewing. Once I realized I would need a full wood cellar to do what I wanted, I knew I had to go pro!

Double Dry Hop Hazy IPA

A summary from Home Brew Mart Assistant Manager Derek Lauridsen

Sometimes we look around Home Brew Mart and realize that our grain and hop catalog gets a little ahead of our recipe book, and we need to create a recipe that gives customers a chance to try some of the new ingredients. This recipe uses Golden Naked Oats, Sabro hop pellets and Citra Cryo hops. We do our best to brew all new recipes before sticking them in the book and when we put this one on tap, it barely lasted a week!

San Diego Homebrew Summer is brought to you by our partners at Ballast Point Brewing, and you can find all of the ingredients to make this pair of beers at Home Brew Mart.

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