Ian Cheesman
Beer Raconteur & Opinion Columnist

Ian Cheesman has served as one of the most distinct voices in the beer media landscape for over a decade. He first brought his talents locally to San Diego CityBeat, establishing its inaugural beer column, Beer & Chees. In the ensuing years his work has been featured in Maxim and L.A. Weekly, but he is perhaps best known for his nationally recognized and award-winning Beer In the Headlights column for West Coaster. Ian’s writing is not only informed by half a life spent pursuing the best in craft ales and lagers, but his certification as a BJCP beer judge. His contagious passion can also be observed between columns in his frequent visits to The Indie Beer Show and Beer Night in San Diego podcasts.
Neighborhood: I just moved into a new community…let’s see how this goes before I disclose
Family: When you consider we are inextricably linked in our connection to Gaia, are we not all family? Also, I have a dog who regularly pees on Gaia
Favorite Beer Style(s): I like to say a moderately smoky Grodziskie…it isn’t true, but I like to say it because it’s just such a fun word
Favorite Local Beer Events: “Media Night” basically anywhere…I’d go to Media Night at the city dump just to revel in the exclusivity of it
Craft Beer A-Ha Moment: I opted to be born prematurely by two weeks because I felt the umbilical tap lines were not being properly maintained