Essential Skills Every Bartender Needs to Succeed

I bet you picture relaxing after a stressful day at work by chilling in your favorite bar near your place. The bartender pours your favorite drink while you wait for some company.

All your worries become smaller as you enjoy the simple pleasures of life.

But, have you ever wondered, what does it take to become a successful bartender? How does their job feel, day in and day out?

Well, in today’s article, we will be exploring just that. Let’s get to it.

Skills That Exceptional Bartenders Have

Want to know what makes an amazing bartender? Here are some skills they are bound to have:

1.    Knowledge About Different Drinks

If you want to be a bartender, you have to know your drinks—and not just the popular ones. You never know what your customer is going to order, so you have to make sure you are prepared at all times.

Many bartenders do research on different drinks in their free time, so they are never left feeling unprepared. A customer may want to order something outside of the menu, so you have to at least know what drink they’re talking about. Better yet, if you can make it for them.

2.    Knowing Mixing Techniques

We’ve all seen how cool and effortless it looks when a bartender is mixing drinks. But it’s a whole science. And you absolutely need to know everything about it if you want to be good at this job.

The percentages of how much alcohol, juice, and ice go in a cocktail are very exact. You need to research this and then practice until you’ve reached perfection.

You also need to be familiar with the proper shaking, stirring, and muddling techniques that will make sure your cocktail is flawless.

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1.    Presentation Skills

When people sit down at a bar, they’re not just paying for the drinks. They’re paying for the atmosphere, the experience. That’s why you need to work on your presentation skills.

You need to make sure the drinks look beautiful and that you serve them with your full attention. This will make sure your customers are satisfied.

2.    Attention to Detail

In bartending, it’s all about the details. The aesthetic elements that make the drink more appealing. The precision. The way you prepare the drink.

It really is an art, and not everyone is cut out for it. Of course, you can get better with practice, but you need to be the type of person who pays attention to these things.

3.    Communication Skills

If you already work as a bartender, you know how important communication is. Good communication with other staff members makes sure you are always ready to take on challenges together.

Other than that, a lot of different people enter the bar you work at. Real estate agents, artists, friends who are celebrating a birthday, and so on. You need to assess how to speak to each of them. It is your responsibility to make them feel comfortable and at ease.

In this line of work, many people will want to chat with you. You don’t have to laugh at every joke and dance around every person who enters the bar, but just making people feel good and engaging in conversation with them is good enough. Happy customers keep returning.

4.    Team Player

The bar is like an organism. Every part needs to function well for the visitors to have a good experience. That’s why you need to work on your teamwork skills.

If there is a problem, make sure you communicate it well and in a calm way. Sometimes, we think people are doing something on purpose, but they are making honest mistakes, and good communication can sort a lot of issues out.

Also, make sure you are communicating with your supervisors and trying to understand their vision for your role. This can really help you do your job well.

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1.    Multitasking Skills

When you work as a bartender, having multitasking skills is crucial. People are coming in, ordering drinks, wanting to cash out, your colleagues need help, and so on. It can feel pretty chaotic and like everyone wants your attention at once.

So, you must be able to multitask and know what to prioritize in this line of work.

2.    Good Memory

If you want to be good at this job, having a good memory is crucial. You will need to remember different orders, plus different responsibilities you’ll need to juggle during your shift.

You need to be able to think on your feet and know how to talk to different people.

3.    Customer Service Skills

In this line of work, customer service skills are essential. People just want to relax and have a nice time. Talking to them, addressing their needs, and giving them space when they need it is important for any bartender.

Your customers have to feel like they’re at home. You need to create a pleasant atmosphere for them, a place where they can just chill and let go of anything that’s stressing them out.

4.    The Ability to Handle Stressful Situations

Working at a bar does mean handling some stressful situations. Some people might get drunk, feel stressed out, or even want to get physical with another customer.

It’s important for you to always keep an eye on customers you suspect might act like this and respond effectively.

Even if situations might not get as severe, you will still have to deal with people who just aren’t in a good mood, don’t want to pay, or aren’t happy with your service. You need to be prepared and stay calm, but know how to respond when someone wants to leave without paying their bill.

Source: StockCake

1.    Physical Stamina

Last but not least, to do this job justice, you need to be physically strong. You’ll spend all day on your feet making drinks, talking to people, washing dishes, and so on.

You do need to have stamina to be able to keep up with the pace, so make sure you hit the gym if you’re just starting out.

The Bottom Line

There you have it, guys. Being a bartender is a skill, an art, and being an exceptional one requires dedication.

You can do your research, stay on top of trends, and practice your communication skills and techniques. No one was born knowing how to do a certain job, so all of this is something you can attain with some effort.

Just remember to make your customers feel good and resolve any conflicts with patience. Of course, there are more requirements to be a bartender, but we hope we covered some basics today.

Good luck with improving your skills! You’ve got this!

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