When Docent Brewing opened in San Juan Capistrano in 2017, it was the city’s first and only brewery. As such, its founders wove beer-education into the business’ DNA (hence its name), striving to teach locals about the glories of craft-beer, the history of brewing and differences in styles new and old. It seems to have worked. The community of roughly 36,000 is now home to a quartet of breweries, and Docent’s production is on pace to hit 2,000 barrels this year, up 25% from 2021. In addition to that growth, the company is expanding by adding a satellite venue 35 miles south in Carlsbad’s Village area.
“Carlsbad has traditions and a culture that align with us. We’ve always enjoyed the town, and love the sense of community as well as its walkability,” says co-owner Brian Hendon. “We searched for a long time and were very picky about potential project sites. This location is super-unique because it’s a house—a cottage, really.”
Located just off Carlsbad Village Drive a block down and over from the area’s most iconic brewing operation, Pizza Port Carlsbad, Docent’s new spot will be installed in a former personal dwelling. The Docent team plans to maintain the domestic feel of the 950-square-foot residential space by providing a living room, dining room and bar outfitted with between 12 and 16 taps pouring beers manufactured by Docent Head Brewer Bryan Giesen on the company’s 15-barrel brewhouse in San Juan Capistrano. That assortment of ales and lagers will be available for on-site enjoyment or to-go in crowlers.
Hendon and company will also strive to maintain the homey feel of the unit’s back yard and patio, installing firepits and outdoor seating to make the latter more comfortable. Additionally, the kitchen area will be upgraded for commercial use, with a menu of casual eats—sandwiches, bowls, salads, snacks—some of which incorporate fermented items like kimchi, sriracha and gochujang. It’s a food program similar to what is offered at Docent’s original location.

Hendon and co-founder Scott Cortellessa actually hail from the restaurant world, having owned and co-run Laguna Beach’s La Sirena Grill for the past 23 years. Like this new brewery offshoot, that restaurant (which now has a sister location) was built in a former cottage. Even with such similar hospitality expertise, the Carlsbad project—which they had originally hoped to have open to the public by year’s end—likely won’t debut until next spring due to the extensive renovations needed to realize their concept.
“When we opened in San Juan Capistrano, we focused on being the community’s public house; a place where you know your neighbor and your local beermaker,” says Hendon, who says he sees parallels between where Docent is coming from and where it’s headed. “Both have a good balance of old and new. Folks want to move in and stay, and most of them are salt of the earth, easygoing humans.”
Docent’s family of beers ranges from light, sunshine-friendly refreshers to assorted lagers and Belgian-style ales, to malty and dark beers, plus hoppy offerings ranging from pales to all manner of IPA. Despite that variety, Hendon says the common threads binding his brewery’s beers are their approachability, balance and drinkability. Notable beers include Canteen light ale, Gimme IPA, the World Beer Cup silver-medalist Double Nickels pale ale, and two-time Great American Beer Festival gold-winner in the Coffee Beer category, Super Tonic.
Says Hendon, “Docent’s Carlsbad Cottage will be our home, and we’ll be welcoming in the Carlsbad community.”
Docent Brewing will be located at 3060 State Street in Carlsbad