Craft Q&A: Lori Ajax

Talking with the California Craft Brewers Association's new executive director

Though Lori Ajax is new to her role as Executive Director of the California Craft Brewers Association (CCBA), she is well known to breweries throughout the state, including San Diego. Not only did she spend 22 years working for the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control—known more colloquially as the ABC—but toward the close of her tenure there, she participated in a “road show” that saw she and her colleagues travel the state to educate brewers about complex laws. That Golden State galivant was the brain child of her CCBA predecessor Tom McCormick, who Ajax remained in touch with after leaving the ABC to lead California’s Bureau of Cannabis Control. In that role, she continued to attend CCBA events to talk to its members about cannabis in relation to beer. Last year, when McCormick, a legendary advocate for California brewers, announced his retirement after 15 years with the CCBA, the organization and its board sought out Ajax as the ideal candidate to fill his well-worn shoes. She never envisioned herself in her current role, but one month in, she’s well entrenched and making strides in one of the most challenging eras of all time for brewers, here or anywhere.

What does your new role entail?

It encompasses just about everything to support our membership, including advocating for our craft brewers at the state legislature, conducting educational outreach events and communicating timely and valuable information. I am focusing much of my time in advocacy, where I am already working hard to support the brewing industry with relationships at the state Capitol, and at state agencies, including the California ABC and the Governor’s Office. It’s critical to have a strong, unified and clear voice representing the interests of this industry at every level of policy making.

You are joining the CCBA during extraordinary times. What are your top priorities in the COVID-19 era?

The CCBA’s top priority is to support California craft breweries during this time of crisis. We will continue to advocate for safe reopening for the industry and working with the ABC on regulatory relief that will assist our members in rebuilding their businesses. Additionally, we must sustain a strong and unified voice at the state Capitol to advocate throughout the legislative process on issues important to the future of the industry. These are unprecedented times for any business, and it is important policy makers consider craft breweries’ needs during a critical year for small businesses.

Were there no pandemic, what would the CCBA be focused on?

The CCBA’s mission is to protect and preserve equal access to market for craft breweries across the state and advocate for privileges that ensure the future growth and success of the industry’s small businesses. Our priority is to support and maintain an industry that provides jobs, economic contributions and community support across the state of California in the years ahead. Specifically, this means advocating for craft breweries as we access new relief for the greater hospitality industry, protecting tied-house laws, and preserving a fair and equitable marketplace for the greater brewing industry. In many ways, despite the pandemic, our legislative priorities remain the same.

Where do you see the industry going?

The last year has had a profound effect on the craft-beer industry and many businesses are realigning their business models to keep up with these changes. The future depends on so many factors that are not known at this time, such as the timing of reopening the state, the success of the vaccination rollout, legislative changes and how consumer habits have changed due to the pandemic. We do not know the answers, but the California craft-brewing industry is resilient, innovative and has the resolve to continue to continue making great beer.

What are some key opportunities you see for California craft breweries now and moving forward?

I am new to this, but these things are hard to predict. Trends can build for years and then COVID-19 hits and everything changes. The pandemic has turned business models upside down and key opportunities have become a mode of surviving in a changing business environment that brewers have no control over. The need to enhance the customer experience; finding effective, innovative ways to increase communications and interactions with customers; e-commerce expansion; and redefining customer service will be key business opportunities in 2021 and beyond.

When do you hope to resume CCBA events for the industry and beer-loving public?

We hope to resume in-person events later this year, but it is too early to determine if that will be feasible. We are currently planning to bring our community together in December 2021 for our Winter Conference in Sacramento but are still waiting to see where current health orders stand as we move through the year. In the meantime, we continue to have virtual events such as our upcoming Spring Conference, tastings and competitions. We will hold a virtual tasting event next month called Celebration of Craft. It’s a great at-home craft-beer tasting experience. More information and tickets are available online.

A new initiative, California Craft Beer Week, is taking place February 12-21. Please tell us more about it.

California Craft Beer Week is designed to provide local craft-beer scenes and California communities a shared platform for co-marketing, reconnecting and supporting each other by offering special events, fun activities and curated offerings. This collaboration between the CCBA and regional brewers guilds is not only a much-needed fundraiser in support of trade organizations and the industry, but also aims to generate economic and promotional energy that puts California craft beer front of mind with consumers. CCBA is thrilled to be involved in this program and hopes that beer lovers take time to buy local beers and support the small businesses that are so important to their communities. More information on California Craft Beer Week can be found online.

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