When expanding their businesses, craft brewery owners have historically targeted locales a significant distance from their bases of operations. The purpose is to introduce their products where they aren’t already available and build an increased presence and geographic footprint for their companies. But in Chula Vista, something different is happening. Last year, the South Bay municipality’s largest brewery, Eastlake-headquartered Novo Brazil Brewing, opened a large brewpub in Otay Ranch. Meanwhile, Chula Vista Brewery is working on opening a second location in Eastlake and is already eyeing a third project, which will also be sited in its namesake community.
“Our goal has always been to serve all of Chula Vista; to create work in our community, build it, enhance it and grow it,” says Chula Vista Brewery owner Tim Parker. “Even though it’s the second-largest city in the county—and growing—it’s a tightknit community. Everyone supports each other, lifts each other up. South Bay is growing and so are we.”
Parker says the goal from the start was to enhance the community through their business, and that Chula Vista has long been overlooked by business owners, due in large part to its high number of Latinos, African Americans and minorities, as well as lower- to medium-income households. But he and his wife, Dali reside in Chula Vista, appreciate the community’s rich diversity, and see an opportunity to expose underserved demographics to quality craft beer.
It appears to be working. Chula Vista Brewery’s Third Avenue tasting room is regularly packed. That’s impressive considering it shares a single downtown block with two other brewery venues—Thr3e Punk Ales Brewing and Groundswell Brewing—as well as a popular taproom, Bar Sin Nombre, all of which are well patronized. It speaks to the untapped demand in the community that has emboldened the Parkers to stay close to home as they grow their business.

Chula Vista Brewery has secured a 6,450-square-foot suite at 871 Showroom Place in Eastlake. The Parkers are partnering with Oak & Anchor BBQ to build a brewpub that will feature Texas-style barbecue and an outdoor beer garden. That space will be outfitted with a 10-barrel brewhouse—double the size of the company’s current five-barrel system—as well as a half-dozen fermenters and bright tanks, respectively. A canning line will also be installed to add packaging capabilities.
Due to the pandemic, there is no set time frame for the opening of the Eastlake venue. But even COVID-19 can’t keep the Parkers from setting up long-term goals spanning beyond this crisis. They eventually hope to open another brewery-equipped project along the Chula Vista Bayfront. It’s an admirable level of devotion to a community one would expect from a native, but Parker grew up in Chicago’s projects. It wasn’t until he met and settled down with his Chula Vistan wife that he fell in love with his new hometown and started fantasizing about bolstering its hospitality options.
Of discovering the brewery he’s operated for the past three years, Parker says, “The place truly found me. I was running near my house one day, saw an empty suite on Third Avenue, and knew this brewery had to take place there. My wife and I would go to these amazing places for beer all over San Diego, but they were always far from our home. We wanted a place we could walk to, one that could serve our neighborhood.”
Another entity the parkers and head brewer James Hodges are serving is the movement to end systemic racism in the U.S. Like many breweries across the nation, Chula Vista Brewery has brewed a version of the Black is Beautiful imperial stout designed to raise funds to help the movement. In doing so, they teamed with Jonathan Barbarin, co-founder of Miramar’s recently shuttered Thunderhawk Alements who, like Parker, is an African American. Proceeds from the beer will go to the People’s Alliance for Justice. To keep up on the release date for the beer, follow Chula Vista Brewery’s social-media channels.
Chula Vista Brewery is located at 294 Third Avenue in Chula Vista