Chris Leguizamon
Beer Education Columnist

Advanced Cicerone Chris Leguizamon is the Education Program Manager at Pure Project Brewing, the content creator for @Chris.TheBeerEducator on Instagram, a Director for the San Diego Brewers Guild, and an instructor for the Fermentation Program at San Diego Mesa College. He has been a part of the San Diego beer scene since 2014, leading impactful brewery tours and empowering educational sessions at Mission Brewing, Stone Brewing and AleSmith Brewing. With a deeply embedded team mentality, Chris advocates towards creating a culture in San Diego that fosters highly intellectual beer professionals and fans alike. Above all, he is on a mission to inspire minds one beer at a time. Beyond the San Diego Beer News site, you can catch him crushing chicken wings and hanging out with his pups Flanders Red!
Neighborhood: North Park
Family: I got my Pure Project family and, of course, my family that lives in Reading, PA
Favorite Beer Style(s): Flanders-style Red Ale is my absolute favorite
Favorite Local Beer Events: Second Saturday at Hamilton’s Tavern, Trashy Hour at The Homebrewer and Pure Project’s anniversary events
Craft Beer A-Ha Moment: Having a Baja fish taco and Stone IPA while staring at the waves from the balcony of South Beach Bar and Grill, and promising myself to move to San Diego the following year