Beer of the Week: Camp Beer
Harland Brewing's seasonal American light lager built to go with all things summer

From the Beer Writer: Stubbornly evasive glowing orb in the sky be darned, summer is eventually going to arrive, and this being San Diego, it will indeed be glorious! Not that we can’t in 60-to-70-degree temps, but we’ll once again be able to hit the beach, trails and campgrounds. The best beers for such activities are low-alcohol crushers like this week’s featured beer, Camp Beer. A summer seasonal release from Scripps Ranch-based Harland Brewing, it’s an American adjunct lager. That’s right…the corn- or rice-cut style of beer the likes of Budweiser, Coors, Miller and Pabst created and commoditized; the mass-market pablum craft breweries have worked hard to wrest market share from for decades. The American adjunct lager being the mascot of Big Beer is one of the primary reasons why I have never warmed to the style, but more than that, most of them–even those produced by craft operations–simply don’t taste that good. Or taste like much of anything at all. The majority are wispy, watery and bland, which, to be fair, meets the defining guidelines for this post-lawn-mow alcohol-laced alternative to H2O. Which is why I’m enthused about Camp Beer. Not only is it brewed with high-quality malts, but it leans heavy into the corn in the grain bill. The result is a rare crusher that dares to not only present a flavor profile (most don’t) but go bold. Corn Flakes cereal overtones meld with mineral and lemon-zest notes from the lager yeast, giving drinkers a reason to keep going back to it as much for sensory enjoyment as refreshment and social lubrication.
From the Brewer: “Camp Beer is an American light lager brewed to celebrate the Fourth of July and summer. We brewed this beer to celebrate all things ‘summer’. When I think American light lager, I think of warm beach days, floating the river and summer barbecues. When designing the recipe, we knew we needed a special malt since malt is the star of the show in a style like this. We ended up selecting Mecca Grade Estate Malt’s ‘Gateway’ under-modified wind malt. We fell in love with how light yet complex this malt was and how much character it added to a simple brew such as Camp Beer. Throw in a dash of corn for a touch of sweetness and boom! this beer is only available during the summer months, and has quickly become an employee and crowd favorite.”—Ryan Alvarez, Head Brewer, Harland Brewing