Beer of the Week: Summer LemonHaze
Novo Brazil Brewing's seasonal offering an example of balance in a fruited IPA

From the Beer Writer: The appeal of the Northeast-style “hazy” IPA is a low to non-existent bitterness that allows drinkers to really smell and taste the aroma and flavor characteristics of the hops used to make the beer. Fruited IPAs, on the other hand, add supplementary citrus, berries and other produce to the mix. While enjoyable for people looking for that punch of fruit, those adjuncts can mask the beer’s original hop profile to some degree. What is impressive about this week’s featured beer, Summer LemonHaze from Chula Vista’s Novo Brazil Brewing, is the delicate addition of lemon, making for a hazy IPA that is thirst-quenching and refreshing, but keeps the hops at the forefront. That touch of tart fruit doesn’t take the beer into sour territory. If anything, it seems to amplify the presence of Mosaic hops, veering it from all-tropical into citrusy territory. It’s a cohesive, pleasant beer offering the best of two IPA styles.
From the Brewer: “An intensely citrusy hazy IPA with a pleasant note of freshly squeezed lemon juice combined with a powerful hop profile and a smooth mouthfeel, this beer pairs perfectly with the California sun. Summer LemonHaze is brewed with white wheat then heavily dry-hopped with Huell Melon and Mosaic hops. Coming in at 7% ABV (alcohol-by-volume), it’s a complex yet easy-to-drink New England-style IPA with lots of fresh citrus flavors and a crisp, refreshing finish. This IPA will be a staggeringly effective countermeasure for the enduring heat and make for a fantastic way to close out the summer.”—Juan Diego, Production Manager, Novo Brazil Brewing