Beer of the Week: Pit BOS

Five Suits Brewing deals out a homebrew-competition best of show on a pro level

From the Beer Writer: They say you can’t argue with results, and that could be the mantra for this week’s featured beer, Pit BOS from Five Suits Brewing in Vista. Back when he was homebrewing, owner and Brewmaster Nick Corona racked up numerous awards for his hefeweizen, including Best of Show at two national competitions. One of those was the country’s largest, the American Homebrewers Association‘s annual National Homebrewer Conference (now operating as Homebrew Con). You simply can’t argue with results like that, and if you’re a fan of Germany’s popular unfiltered wheat ales, you won’t want to. Pit BOS (an acronym for “best of show”) drinks as if its from Deutschland, offering flavors of banana, tart citrus and clove in a restrained, balanced manner that promotes drinkability. It’s no wonder Corona has made this style—one which was all over San Diego two decades ago but has seen its popularity wane significantly since—a cornerstone of his recently-opened family business.

From the Brewer: “Five Suits’ Pit BOS hefeweizen has been an instant hit with everyone who tastes it. A classic German hef, you can expect a creamy mouthfeel with a sweet banana flavor balanced by a clove spice that rounds out this yeast-driven delight. Each sip is refreshing, clean, full-flavored and certain to please. The continuously positive feedback that we have received as we finally bring this award-winning recipe to the public has been humbling and very satisfying. We hope everyone who enjoys a hef takes the time to compare our Pit BOS to their favorite.”—Nick Corona, Owner & Brewmaster, Five Suits Brewing

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