Release: Darkness Imprisoning Me

With new lager, Home Brewing picks character (and Metallica) over mass appeal

As part of our San Diego Homebrew Summer program, a dozen local breweries are producing recipes from local homebrewers at their breweries during the sunny season. The next to debut will be Darkness Imprisoning Me, a dark American lager conceived by Northern California homebrewer, Paul Brown, and recreated by the most appropriate of San Diego beermaking operations, Home Brewing Co. (HBC). Built within popular recreational-brewing outlet, The Homebrewer, HBC is a hub for the people it’s named after and a fitting place for Brown to debut his beer, which takes its name from lyrics from one of he and owner George Thornton‘s favorite bands, Metallica. That group’s vast catalog of rock anthems will be playing when Darkness Imprisoning Me debuts today at noon at HBC. Scroll down to learn more about this beer and why Thornton selected it (other than the cool name), then head out to North Park to get a taste.

Darkness Imprisoning Me | Dark American Lager

Commentary from Home Brewing Owner George Thornton

Before Americans totally gave in to corporate overlords who insisted that all things be sweet, and then that all things be bland with a hint of sweetness, and, eventually, that all things be hazy or fruited…there were some cool beer styles around. So, when we got to scroll through the list of potential homebrew recipes to re-create on our system as part of San Diego Beer NewsSD Homebrew Summer, we were looking for two things: a cool beer style that would probably go otherwise unnoticed, and a badass name that references one my favorite Metallica albums. Darkness Imprisoning Me is both of those things. It’s a dark American lager with an emphasis on drinkability, and just a touch of roast and caramel to keep things interesting. Liberty hops add beautiful spicy (think black pepper) and herbal (think dried herbs d’ Provence) components. The color doesn’t have to be black as the name might suggest, but it should be in that dark-brown territory. Come down for the tapping and say “hi” to Paul, who’s coming down from San Francisco for the release.

Q&A with homebrewer Paul Brown

What led you to submit this particular recipe for consideration?

I first brewed this recipe in December of 2017 and entered it in the 2018 National Homebrew Competition, where it was awarded a silver medal. I have rebrewed it four times with subtle changes and each time it turns out really nice. It is a very drinkable dark beer with an ABV (alcohol-by-volume) of about 5.5% People that try a dark lager are usually surprised by how it is so different from a stout.

How did it feel to have your recipe selected to be brewed by local breweries as part of San Diego Homebrew Summer?

When I got the notice that this recipe was selected, I was stunned and super-excited. George from The Homebrewer had an awesome reply about the name of the beer and his appreciation for dark lagers.

What inspired you to name the beer Darkness Imprisoning Me?

For the past three to four years, I have been naming my beers after phrases in Metallica songs. When pouring my beer at a festival or sharing a bottle, beer-drinkers and music-lovers will “get” the name. They usually saw, “that’s an awesome name for a beer,” and most of the names somehow correspond with the beer’s style.

What are you most excited about with this collaboration?

Whether at a club meeting or a festival, I love sharing my beer. It always gives me great joy and satisfaction. And getting to share it with hundreds of people is pretty much the epitome of a homebrewer’s dream.

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