
Fire damages Hamilton’s Tavern

Popular South Park bar and sister brewpub damaged in kitchen-born blaze

According to the San Diego Fire Department, a fire broke out at South Park Brewing around 5:30 a.m. this morning. Crews were dispatched to combat the blaze and are currently assessing damage to the brewpub and its neighboring business, Hamilton’s Tavern. Both interests are owned by longtime publican Scot Blair, who opened the latter interest in 2006, before expanding into the space next-door to install South Park Brewing in 2014. Hamilton’s Tavern had been closed for months as a result of governmental COVID-19 restrictions, while the brewpub had stayed in operation.

“This is really unfortunate and surreal in a year of absolute setbacks,” says Blair. “Its disheartening to say the least but we have to see what happens when the dust settles. We’ll strap in and do what we have to do.”

So far, investigators believe the fire started in Hamilton’s “café” kitchen, which is located in-between the two businesses. Smoke damage was significant. No one was inside the building during the fire and the doors were locked when firefighters arrived o the scene. The cause of the fire is still under investigation.

“Mentally, I’m still wrapping my head around it,” says longtime Hamilton’s Tavern staffer Matthew Cammack. “I hadn’t worked there for a few months, besides one event, but that café meant a lot to me.”

The Hamilton’s Tavern site has historical significant beyond its craft-beer lore. It was the oldest venue in San Diego licensed to serve both beer and wine at the same time. After Blair took the space over, Hamilton’s Tavern became an archetype for what a quality beer bar could and even should be nationwide as the craft-brewing movement gained momentum. Next door, South Park Brewing has won high-profile awards for its beers.

South Park Brewing is located at 1517 30th Street in South Park

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