91X Beer for Breakfast: Ketch Brewing

The Brigantine's beery pride and joy, Ketch Brewing, provides plenty to drink along with some serious lessons on styles and science

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In this episode of Beer for Breakfast, not only will you find out about some of the rad beers coming out of The Brigantine family of restaurants’ craft-suds operation, Ketch Brewing, you’ll also learn a few things about styles and science. But don’t let that scare you off…we’re all still drinking on a Friday. Get the lowdown on a salt-infused German style of sour ale Ketch’s head brewer is crafting using a yeast strain discovered on the belly of a wasp, then find out about an enzyme drying out the company’s brut IPA, which has won three consecutive medals at the U.S. Beer Open Championships. Intrigued? Of course you are! Tune in and get your beer-ed on along with a hearty three-day weekend thirst!

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