4 Careers in Communication Perfect for Libras

It is a known fact that people can excel at jobs they like – especially if they put their minds to it. However, there’s always been something about air signs like Libras that suit them to specific career paths and jobs. Although choosing a career does not have a scientific approach, your horoscope and MBTI can help you choose the right career path suited to your personality.

This article will explore how Libra’s traits can translate into the workplace and set out some of their best career matches.

What is A Libra? 

A Libra is someone who was born between September 23rd to October 22nd. The Libra personality is represented by the scales and is known for its sense of fairness, friendly nature and appreciation of beauty. Libras are also excellent at communication and forming genuine relationships. They dislike confrontation and strive for harmony wherever they go. Although they are good with people, they are fickle and possess moodiness.

They also enjoy aesthetically pleasing and peaceful environments while mess and disorder disturb them. Moreover, they like beautifying their surroundings.

Libras are also great lovers of learning and new information. They find it hard to say no to people, and their indecisiveness makes it challenging to be assertive or even understand their values and opinions. 

Libra Careers in Communication

Social Media Manager

Social media managers are in high demand for various businesses, such as online e-bingo. They create engaging content, engage and network with other content creators and businesses, and create compelling campaigns. 

We find Libra’s natural ability to make connections and eye for beauty helpful as a social media manager. Communication is essential, most of all, and this is why Libra will excel in this line of work. 

Content Writer/Creator

Libras thrive in creativity, in addition to communication. Content writers produce social media captions optimized for SEO and long-form content and study different markets and messaging. Others can specialize in content creation by making videos and taking photos for brands and others. 

Creativity and communication skills are essential for the occupation of a content creator or content writer. 

Public Relations Specialist

The duties of a public relations specialist are to craft and maintain a favourable public image for groups and organizations that they represent through social media programs, plans, and media releases. These things help shape the public perception of the organization they represent. In addition, their crafted messages and programming aid in increasing awareness of their clients’ work and goals. 

This line of work requires various communication skills, such as crisis management, media relations, and interpersonal communication. Public relations specialists rely on their professional skills and networks (and personal ones) to make things happen, and this is where the Libra’s natural charm and interpersonal communication skills shine. 


Authors write and promote books, go on book tours, and do research for their books. This job is one of the more difficult ones to get into, but it’s possible to do it. 

The author requires skills in time management, research, and creativity. However, Libra can hold their own regarding creativity and ideas. Their natural charm will make things easier for them on press tours. 

Wrapping Up

The world of communication is one of the most compelling but underappreciated and underutilized fields and skills today. While it is also a profitable work industry, navigating it can be not easy. Thankfully, the Libra’s strengths will come into play here and make things easier. However, despite your horoscope and whatnot, if you truly desire an occupation in communication, you will work for it and make it happen. 

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